Monday, 13 April 2009

2000 and Shine

2000 and shine

Last year I hit instructor burnout I denied it was coming I convinced myself it would never happen to me but it did and it knocked me for 6! In a way I don't think till you hit it you ever get that feeling where you need a total priority shift and a change in direction. For me it wasn't just something that was needed to happen it was something that had happen.

Even though my health, confidence and fitness levels have taken a beating I have to say it has been probably one of the best things to ever happen to me and some of my friends in an indirect way. It made me look at what I thought I loved doing and what it was actually doing to me. Fitness is one of the best industries to be in it's social and provides us all with a platform to be help people feel better about themselves physically and emotionally.

So do you ever find yourself feeling drained and not just physically?
Do you find yourself running from class to class?
Do you find yourself looking for money to be made in the industry?
I can promise you there is money to be made it is just whether you are ready to look outside of your teaching classes box.

For years and years I totally focused on my income coming from my classes and the occasional PT sessions. So when I physically came to my limit, I'm not going to lie I panicked I sat there thinking how on earth was I going earn money! So here are my top top tips to get back in there but this time with a business savvy head on.

Daydream...Wait stay with me! What have you always wanted to do? DVD, write a book, set up your own website, help people or lose weight the options are endless. Okay do you have an idea?

Research your competitors, look at your idea and see how it can grow. I had an idea for a website but found it worked better as a book. Your idea could be your unique selling point as an instructor for clubs or even for getting you into presenting if that's your dream.

Ask for a real opinion, speak to your class attendees and people outside of fitness that know nothing they will give you a 100% honest answer.
Could it make you money? Remember to always believe in what you are worth and charge for it.

What are your outlays? Room hire, agreed commission structure within a club, marketing, advertising and welcome packages.

Make a plan so for example you want to run a weight management course what do you think it should contain and what do your member think it should contain.

Believe in your product and don't be afraid to take or ask for advice.

Keep an open mind and remember you do not always have to follow the crowd. Fitness the same as music and fashion, saturation and over exposure can kill an idea or how an idea can be delivered so think outside your box look at other businesses fitness and non fitness related

Prioritise your time remember you are at the TOP of your list. Remove toxic people and influences in your life, they are draining you more than you realise. Positive people are amazing to be around they can inspire, motivate and can even help you head in the right direction. So remember you deserve to be around positive people and you will probably find they get back from you as much as you are getting from them.

Sleep, breath and relax or at least find something you really enjoy this is your release and your time so take it!

Make sure you are paid what you are worth rather than run yourself ragged and giving half your potential, prioritise give 100% and charge more to reflect your true worth
I know we work in the fitness industry but you also need to have a balanced exercise program so look at the balance you need to create for your body to function at its optimum. Take the exercise slow and steady and build your fitness up to support what you do.

So as a summary there is always support around you just don't be afraid to ask or learn something new. Definitely look outside of your box as inspiration can lie in the strangest of places. And last but not least you are the most important thing, you are your business so surround yourself with positive people and feel the benefits.

Lazy girls fitness

Lazy girls fitness

As I am sat poised over my laptop looking at the title of this book I feel I should explain why I called this the 'lazy girls fitness' book. If the truth be known I was rather a late bloomer when it came to fitness. I was an overweight child for most of my childhood and thinking about it... my teenage years as well but with no real understanding of why I was the size shape I was I thought everyone looked liked me or as you got older you just go bigger.

I didn't understand I had decisions and control to be responsible for and that I could change. So you see I was a lazy girl without consciously knowing any different. I was the classic couch potato and second helpings child and I loathed ...... I repeat loathed exercise until one day I went to the gym with my father at the age of 17 and for the first time I didn't have to worry about collapsing halfway round the track or letting a team down I just exercised for me.
With exercise came a new body and a new found confidence and if I could bottle it and give it away I would. Occasionally that lazy girl in me still pops up, even now and health and fitness is my living. For so long I battled with my lazy girl but realised using those feelings helped me to understand and be realistic with my clients.

By no means does this mean I give you an easy time but I understand a lot of the emotion, motivation and reasons why people start exercising or have a healthy fear of the unknown when it comes to exercise. My naivety as a child to young adult and lack of nutritional knowledge lead to all sorts of minds sets and confusion until I realised it was me and only me that could educate myself and understand my body.
So this book is the lazy girl and personal trainer in me and a few handy hints I have picked up along the way.

WWW. stands for where, what and why? So are you ready to take control and educate yourself to make you happy and healthy, You don't need a man to tell you, you look gorgeous (unless it is Gok Wan) you don't need to lose weight to look good, to be accepted or to find the solutions to all your problems. Right now you should have that feeling in your stomach when you decide THIS day today (which is always a Monday) is the day you are going to start your new diet, exercise plan, positive thinking, cut down the drinking, smoking or just feel better about the skin you are in.

Except today you are not on your own.... I am here to remind you there are millions of women that have felt, are feeling or will feel like this. I was and still do, even though I am a Personal trainer we all have our demons in different shapes and sizes. From my years of negative thoughts about myself and what I felt I couldn't do or wouldn't be good enough for I should really lie and say
I get up every morning with a spring in my step, the birds are singing and I am always happy and positive, .... well I AM.... some of that person but its a daily/hourly reminder to myself that negative will bring negative. Would you feel confident in someone that ... so try a positive thought start small and believe it!
I read an amazing quote in a girlie magazine not so long ago ' we come to love, not finding the perfect person, but learning to see an imperfect person perfectly' see you are perfect!

You look Hot .... What's your secret? Part 1

You look hot what’s your secret

Do you long to walk down the street oozing self & body confidence, sex appeal, effortless style and glowing natural beauty? Is this a stupid question? Every woman wants to look and feel amazing and receive that ultimate question of... 'what's your secret?'

So ladies i am taking you right back to the basics, because believe me when you have these mastered there will be no limits. Achieving the basics could not be easier whether its dropping a dress size or asking for a pay rise these tips are things I have done, tried, had recommended or used myself. So when I am feeling lacking in any area of my life I go back to my basics and I feel prepared and ready for anything

So what is your dilemma?
As a woman I know we don't just have problems we have 'dilemmas' whether its because our hair is wrong, you haven't been to the gym for a week, you ate a whole pack of cream cakes to yourself or the worst yet, you cant find anything to wear!?
So recognise your dilema and as yourself two questions how does it make you feel and how far are you actually away from where you want to be? I's a harsh truth to realise but where are you really? how far away from your goal are you? You cant determine your real goals if you are not honest with yourself, you are giving yourself the shakiest platform to try and stand your success up on.

So over many cups of chai tea and girls heart to hearts I have picked out some of the reoccurring culprits and also the fantastic points of views and solutions that the women in my life past and present have influenced me with.
Article to be continued ......